While some of its common names are heavenly or sacred bamboo, the plant itself is anything but. Also known as nandina, the evergreen shrub is actually an .
So, you can imagine the surprise and disappointment of one Reddit user when they found the plant for sale at a local H-E-B grocery store.
The user of the invasive plant in the subreddit , nandina is known to be pervasive, per the Invasive Plant Atlas of the U.S.

“Really, really bummed to see HEB selling this,” the author of the post .
Like other , nandina is dangerous to ecosystems and native flora and fauna. When it is introduced to new environments, it has no natural predators and proliferates unchecked, crowding out and displacing native creatures.
Plus, according to the Clemson Cooperative Extension Home and Garden Information Center, the berries of contain the toxin cyanide, and bird species such as cedar waxwing, northern , and American robin are known to consume the berry when no other food is available, killing them.
The disruptive and often deadly effects of nandina and other highlight the importance of researching plants before you plant them in your yard or garden, where they could then or landscapes and destroy even more ecosystems.
An easy way to avoid contributing to the spread of invasive species is by planting . Growing , or , helps to rebuild and strengthen local ecosystems and habitats. will also — such as and bats — to your yard, where they will pollinate you and your neighbor’s plants and eat pests including mosquitos.
is better for the planet and your wallet, too. Native plants are adapted to thrive on local rainfall alone, so you won’t have to worry about wasting water, time, and money on making sure they don’t dry up.
With all the problems that invasive species can cause, you can understand why Reddit users were upset to hear nandina was being sold, without even a warning, to unsuspecting gardeners.
“Ugh, that’s so frustrating,” one user .
“As someone who is currently trying to eradicate Nandina from the local green belt … f*** that,” another .
A third user chimed in with an to raise awareness: “Write to H-E-B and express this, it hurts the native Texas species. As a company with a Texas-centric practice, they should listen.”
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