Simple Summer DIY Garden Projects To Create At Home

May 27, 2024

Summer is the perfect time to get outside and spruce up your garden spaces. As Beautiful Homes & Gardens suggests, you can create a beautiful, peaceful oasis right in your backyard with just a few easy DIY projects that won’t break the bank.

Miniature Garden At Home

miniature garden at home

For a fun, whimsical project, Beautiful Homes & Gardens recommends making a miniature succulent garden. Here’s how: Arrange low-maintenance succulents in a shallow container along with tiny decorations like a miniature arbour, chair, cat figurine or wheelbarrow to mimic a desert landscape.

Garden Tools Cleaning Station At Home

garden tools box

To keep yourin top shape, Beautiful Homes & Gardens suggests this simple DIY tool cleaning station. Replace any broken tools, then make a bucket of sand mixed with oil. Plunging your tools into this sand mixture will prevent rust and eliminate tedious end-of-season scrubbing.

Terrarium DIY Garden Project

terrarium garden

As per Beautiful Homes & Gardens, terrariums are a wonderful way to invite some green into your home year-round. To make one, place small plants or mosses in a glass container. Terrariums thrive in well-lit indoor spaces away from direct heat sources.

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Landscape Garden At Home

garden landscape

For a permanently green mini landscape, Beautiful Homes & Gardens advises using miniature evergreen conifers like Chamaecyparis, Picea, and Pines along with perennial groundcovers like Heuchera. Top with gravel and sheet moss to retain moisture.

Bottle Bird Feeders At Home

bird feeder at home

Don’t toss out those glass bottles! As Beautiful Homes & Gardens instructs, you can easily turn them into charming . Add copper wire wraps and hanging embellishments, then fill with birdseed.

Hanging Basket Gardens At Home

garden hanging at home

If you don’t have much outdoor space, Beautiful Homes & Gardens recommends making a hanging wooden basket garden. Line a basket with moss, add potting soil and your choice of plants for a lovely trailing garden display.

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